• ADAM at Jan Koniarka Gallery Centre of Contemporary Arts in Trnava, Slovakia. Curator: Prof. Karel Misek, 2019.
• PrzekotkArt - an exhibition of Nadia Issa and Warsaw School of Advertising at the Centre for Creativity at 56 Targowa Street. Visual identification of the exhibition, 2019
• ADAM at Gallery Instytut 116, Warsaw, Poland, 2018
• THEM at the Faculty of Art and Design of Jan Evangelista Purkyne University in Usti nad Labem, Czech Republic, 2018
• HEDEN, Brick City Gallery (level 2) Springfield, U.S.A, 2017
• RUAH, Centre of Muslim Culture, Warsaw, Poland, 2016
• HEDEN, Gallery Obok ZPAF, Association of Polish Art Photographers,
Warsaw, Poland, 2016
2021-2012 (chronological)
• LIGHT OF ANEMNESIS, Jewish Culture Festival. Gallery Podbrzezie. Kraków, Poland
• TRANSFORMATION, Kraków Culture Forum. Presentation of the works entitled: Allesthesia and Claire de Lune. Kraków, Poland
• International poster exhibition of the TURBO POSTER group and the UNESCO competition in BUW, Warsaw, Poland
• TOWER BABEL VERSUS SPACE, Museum of the King Jan III’s Palace at Wilanów, Orangery, Warsaw, Poland
• Krakow Photo Fringe. Exhibition of laureates of the second edition of the DEBUTS project. Andel’s Hotel, Łódź, Poland
• Participation and co-organization of the exhibition RECURRENCE (together with Prof. Wlodzimierz Szymański) at the Mazovian Museum in Płock, Poland
• Participation and co-organization of the exhibition AREA OF REMEMBRANCE (together with Prof. Wlodzimierz Szymański) at the Mazovian Museum in Płock, Poland
• XII Festival of Jewish Culture „Singer’s Warsaw”. Exhibition „Or-light”, st. Próżna 14, Poland
• Opole Photography Festival. Exhibition of laureates of the second edition of the DEBUTS project. Gallery MBP ZAMOSTEK
• Warsaw Festival of Artistic Photography. Exhibition of laureates of the second edition of the DEBUTS project
• International Festival of Artistic Photography in Łódź. Exhibition and premiere of the book of the laureates of the second edition of the DEBUTS project. Andel’s Hotel, Poland
• Exhibition THE PHOTOGRAPHY BORDERLANDS, Atelier Gallery, Chełmno, Poland
• Exhibition THE PHOTOGRAPHY BORDERLANDS at the Museum of the King Jan III’s Palace at Wilanów, Orangery, Poland
• Participation and co-organization of the exhibition IDENTITY (together with Prof. Wlodzimierz Szymański) at the Mazovian Museum in Płock, Poland
• TEAM at the Salon of the Academy in Warsaw, Poland.
• INDIGO concert and exhibition from the series „Photographic Scores” in the Gallery of Spokojna within the framework of the Scientific Circle of Alternative Photographic Techniques.
• LAND OF IRON AND ROCKS in Arslibris gallery, accompanying the 15th International Landscape Biennale in Kielce, Poland
• Exhibition of traditional photography at the Regional Museum in Sandomierz, Poland
Born in Warsaw. Photographer, multimedia artist, graphic designer, and academic teacher. Teaching Assistant Professor of Graphic Design at the School of Art, University of Arkansas. She got her Ph.D. in Visual Arts in 2020 (Department of Graphic Design, Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw). Teacher of Record and Graduate Teaching Assistant at Missouri State University (2020-2022). From 2016-2020 she has been working at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Media Arts. Research worker - intern at the Public Space Research Institute at the Painting Department (2018-2019). Visiting lecturer at the Faculty of Art & Design at Missouri State University in 2017. She graduated from the Faculty of Media Art of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw, where she got her MA in 2016. Winner of the Rector’s scholarship for the best students and the best Ph.D. students, the Zaiks Scholarship. Winner of the contest “Debuts”, promoting the most talented young Polish photographers. Her works have been featured in individual exhibitions (among others: Gallery Obok ZPAF (Association of Polish Art Photographers) in Warsaw, Brick City Gallery (level 2) in the United States, Centre of Contemporary Art in Trnava Slovakia) and in numerous group exhibitions (among others: the Singer Jewish Culture Festival in Warsaw, the Mazovian Museum in Płock, the Museum of King Jan III’s Palace in Wilanów, and the International Photography Festival in Łódź). She is often a curator of student exhibitions, author of papers in scientific monographs, and conducts workshops on image perception and contemporary techniques of photographic image implications. Her works have been published, among other places, in the pages of Krytyka Polityczna [Political Critique], Estetyka i Krytyka [Aesthetics and Criticism], and Vieworld magazine. She often explores themes of identity, both cultural and individual. Her research is focused on examining the contemporary relevance of diverse cultural narratives through the utilization of technology-empowered storytelling tools. She is interested in exploring symbols and archetypes in the context of both individual and collective experiences.
• International Exhibition SOCIALLY DISTANCED, Brick City Gallery, U.S.A. Co-curator with Shauna L. Smith, visual identification.
• PANDORA’S BOX, Spokojna Gallery, Warsaw, Poland. Curator, visual identification, catalog design.
• AWAKENING, Spokojna Gallery, Warsaw, Poland. Curator, visual identification, catalog design.
• Issa, N., Tendera P. (2022). Factories of Banality: The Role of Works by Jeff Koons in the Art World’s Discourse of Wealth and Power, International Journal of Art, Culture and Design Technologies (IJACDT) / IGI Global, Volume 11, Issue 1, Article 69.
• Issa, N. (2020). Artistic expression as an attempt to tame the trauma of an armed conflict. On the phenomenon of art in the public space of the Palestinian Authority. In Aesthetic Distinctions - Merit and Exclusion (Ed. Teresa Pękala), UMCS, Lublin, pp 251-269;
• Issa, N. (2019). Contemporary sites of contemplation: contemplative nature of the aesthetic experience of natural and transformed landscape in Roden Crater by James Turrell and Lucid Stead by Philip K. Smith. Polish Journal of Landscape Studies. vol 2, No 4-5,pp 99-105;
• Issa, N. (2018). Cinemagraph THE LIVING IMAGE versus the
intermediality of the photographic medium. In an Image or vision of the world.Photography in cultural space (Ed. Joanna Szyłko-Kwas) Multiprint Publishing House, Warsaw, pp 281-297;
• Issa, N. (2018). The World of Imagination in the “Eviva l’Arte” Happening. Can imagination Be a Guarantee of Artistic Freedom? Discourse on Imagination. In Discourses of Art, Discourses of Esthetics (Ed. Teresa Pękala), UMCS, Lublin, pp 577-585;
• Issa, N. (2016). Punctum as the root of madness in art. Commentary on the work of Roland Barthes Camera Lucida: Reflections on Photography. In Madness in Art and Culture (Ed.Sylwia Gora), Ignatianum Academy in Krakow, Krakow, pp 29-43;